
Profitable Implant Restorations Using Digital Workflows

Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 E Wacker Dr, Chicago

Whether fully or partially digital, you have to know how to use your tools to be predictable. Alexander Wuensche discusses the differences between screw- and cement-retained restorations and their advantages. He covers the different versions of the Straumann Variobase for single units up to full-arch reconstructions, how to evaluate if […]

Fixed Detachable: MK1 & Telescopic Bridges

Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 E Wacker Dr, Chicago

Alexander Wuensche discusses the benefits and fabrication steps of this unique, fixed-detachable restoration, as well as the criteria for case selection, design steps and advantages.

From “A”-Temp to “Z”olid DNA Zirconia

Hyatt Regency Chicago 151 E Wacker Dr, Chicago

Alexander Wuensche, CDT, explains the importance of functional temporaries and shows how to use the new esthetic temp material for treatment planning and fabrication of zirconia restorations. Wuensche also discusses how to ensure predictable outcomes for both tooth- and implant-borne restorations using proper planning and temporization—including provisional shells, crowns or […]