
Digital Aesthetic Planning

Zahntechnique offers several value-added services to enhance your patient’s restoration and aid in attaining consistently predictable outcomes. From collaborative case planning to wax-ups and surgical guides, Zahntechnique is equipped with the proper tools to ensure that your treatment plan transitions into a successful clinical outcome.

Diagnostic Wax-Up

If your patient is having trouble visualizing what their final restoration will look like, suggest a high-quality wax-up from Zahntechnique. We have the option of traditional hand-crafted or the 3-D printed wax-ups.

Surgical Planning

Our expert technicians are equipped to receive your CT-scan and work with you to develop a restoratively-driven implant placement plan for predictable outcomes. This pre-surgical planning allows for the fabrication of a provisional implant restoration prior to the surgical procedure.

Surgical Guides

Designed using the latest CAD/CAM technology, our 3-D printed surgical guides assist clinicians in placing implant in the optimal placement for both restorative and surgical success.

Send Your Case with Zahntechnique Today!